Top 5 Ingredients for Dry Skin
With the cooler weather approaching, one of the most common cosmetic concerns that we hear about is dry skin, so we thought we would put together a list of 5 of our favorite ingredients for dry skin!
While these are fantastic ingredients for battling the dryness of autumn, they work great all year round, making them perfect for those who suffer from dry skin on more of a regular basis.
These are only 5 of our picks, but there are many more that you can view and learn more about at our site here.
Lique is proud to offer some of the best active, natural cosmetics around, so let’s learn more about some of the ingredients that you can find in our products – or, out in the wild!
1) Shea Butter
Shea butter has been around for a long time and it’s kind of like a cliché - it’s stood the test of time because it works!
Shea butter is an emollient that both hydrates and softens the skin and it also contains several types of fatty acids.
These natural fatty acids like linoleic, oleic, palmitic, and stearic acids help to improve the skin’s natural barrier while working to protect the skin from environmental damage due to things like pollutants.
2) Vitamin E
Vitamin E has long been a natural staple for helping to nourish and protect dry skin. Being an extremely powerful antioxidant, vitamin E can help to combat the damage of the sun – by reducing UV damage in your skin. That translates into a vitamin that is fantastic for dry skin.
Vitamin E should be applied topically rather than taken orally. Using an infused product or even simply smearing vitamin E oil on the skin makes for one excellent moisturizer.
The oil itself can be a little bit thick and tricky to handle so you might favor a product that contains vitamin E over the oil itself. It’s up to you!
3) Jojoba Oil
One of the most effective and natural moisturizers going, this oil comes from a desert shrub and is even edible – though it doesn’t digest very well. Using jojoba oil topically makes a fantastic addition to any moisturizing regimen.
Jojoba oil is great for basically every skin type. Whether you have sensitive, oily dry, or combination skin, jojoba oil should help.
With extremely good moisturizing qualities and the ability to help skin retain more water, jojoba oil is one of our favorite natural ingredients for treating dry skin in the autumn and all year long.
It has unique properties that actually mimic the oil of our skin and even can work to balance oily skin alongside moisturizing dry skin. What an ingredient!
4) Avocado Oil
As if we need another reason to love avocados! Avocado is a great source of antioxidants, essential fatty acids, minerals, and vitamins – and the benefits of using its oil on your skin are many!
When it comes to dry skin, avocado oil helps in many ways including calming itchy, dry skin, healing chapped skin, and of course hydrating and moisturizing – that's why it’s on our list!
This carrier oil is fantastic and aids in soothing as well as adding moisture to the skin. It does work better on dry skin than on oily skin, so if you’re in the latter camp, maybe stick to the jojoba oil – but for dry skin, avocado oil is fantastic!
5) Aloe Vera
Aloe vera is a well-established and well-known ingredient for treating try skin. It is one of the most widely used ingredients and among other benefits like its ability to moisturize your skin, it can help aid in healing from all kinds of nasty ailments like cuts, cold sores, and even frostbite!
When it comes to dry skin, aloe vera gel works so well because it absorbs easily – this means it is good for both oily and dry skin.
One great trick you can try is substituting aloe vera for your normal moisturizer after you get out of the shower or bath. This helps to lock all of that moisture into your skin, making this plant-based gel one of the most popular moisturizing products going today!
Lique Cosmetics
Our line of lip and active cosmetics feature many of these great natural ingredients and more! Visit us on our website to learn more about how they can work for you!